
Itinerari Enogastronomici

Itinerari Enogastronomici

Scoprire e vivere la cultura enogastronomica della Valtellina. Incontrare i produttori locali, scoprire le loro tradizioni e ovviamente degustare i prodotti tipici a marchio DOP e IGP: bresaola, formaggi, pizzoccheri, vini, mele.

Food And Wine in Sicily

Food And Wine in Sicily

This is an original way to visit Sicily, crossing the roads of the taste, of the thousand tastes through menu that mixed traditions and folklore to give an authentic experience to the traveller.

Eastern Sicily

Eastern Sicily

Spanish Sicily, from the XIVth century Sicily was under Spanish rule. In the southeast of the island are the most beautiful landmarks of that era.

Cinema and Sicily in the Kolosal Traces

Cinema and Sicily in the Kolosal Traces

Thanks to its beautiful natural landscapes, the fascinating ancient villages, its cities rich in art and history, Sicily has always offered beautiful locations to movie directors, Sicilians, italian or international.

La Varese Gastronomica

La Varese Gastronomica

Tour Guidato – Varese – DECIO VIAGGI – Induno Olona, incontro con i mastri birrai per la visita del birrificio Angelo Poretti. Nel primo pomeriggio visita guidata della Collegiata e del Battistero di Castiglione Olona e visita del Museo all’aperto d’arte Moderna Pagani.