Arrival in the morning in Clusone, the main town of the Upper Seriana Valley, in the province of Bergamo.
Meeting with the local guide and tour of the town that houses the precious Fanzago Astronomical Clock dating back to 1583, which can also be visited inside; afterwards, stop at the Art and Time Museum, which houses clocks of towers and bell towers.
We will also visit the ancient church of the Disciplini, with the external frescoes of the Macabre Dance and the Triumph of Death.
We will continue our journey and move to Borgo di Gromo, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, with a guided tour of the small and fascinating old town. Afterwards, entrance and visit to the Museum of White Weapons and Ancient Parchments and stop at the ancient parish church of St. James and Vincent, just outside the town, which has seen various additions of styles inside, with a very special charm.
Lunch in a typical trattoria in Parre with local cold cuts and Scarpinocc dePar (typical casoncelli alla bergamasca without meat seasoned with malga butter)
Price per person euro 70
What’s included:
- Private coach
- Guided tour and lunch in a typical trattoria
- Legal insurance

Our visit to the City of Clusone will follow a time marked by the fascinating Astronomical Clock Fanzago, retracing the footsteps of great artists who have left their genius here and will take us to the discovery of important buildings, witnesses of curious and exciting stories. Orange flag of the Italian Touring Club, Clusone has always been one of the most important cultural centers of the Alta ValSeriana. In Piazza dell’Orologio the characteristic Fanzago Astronomical Clock reminds us of the movement of the universe around us. We still take a few steps to reach the beautiful Basilica of Clusone. The imposing staircase that welcomes us is just one of the wonders that we will soon discover.
On the façade of the Oratorio dei Disciplini: the so-called frescoes of Death and Judgment, which group together the three medieval iconographic themes of Triumph, Dance Macabre and the encounter or Contrast between the living and the dead. In the seventeenth-century Palazzo Marinoni Barca, now residence of the MAT, Museo Arte Tempo, is on display a rich collection of works, including paintings, drawings, sculptures and embossments of local artists and mechanisms of tower clocks

Gromo, included among “The most beautiful villages in Italy” and awarded with the ” Orange Flag” by the Italian Touring Club, is situated on a rocky promontory, surrounded by meadows and fir trees. Gromo, with its forges, was one of the most important centers of ironworking and the production of weapons, shields and armor, so much so as to be called the “little Toledo”.
Today, the Sala delle Armi of the Palazzo Comunale hosts the MAP – Museum of White Weapons and Parchments, which houses several weapons forged in the valley foundries. In Piazza Dante, the historical center, you can admire the Ginami Castle (XIII sec.) and the Church of San Gregorio, that preserves a beautiful 1600’s altarpiece by Enea Salmeggia; all around, many noble houses dating back to the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the sixteenth-century Town Hall and the white marble fountain dating back to 1400. Not to be missed is the Parish Church, adorned with a wooden altar of the Fantoniana school and Baroque stuccoes.
Arrival in the morning in Clusone, capital of the Alta Valle Seriana, on the homonymous Plateau. With a very important medieval history, it preserves the inhabited centre with numerous villas and noble residences. Meeting with the guide and visit to the town that houses the precious Astronomical Clock Fanzago, which marks the moon, sun, planets, seasons, of course the hours and minutes and more. The tour continues with a visit to the Museo Arte e Tempo (Art and Time Museum), which collects clocks of towers and bell towers, but also works of art by famous painters renowned all over the world.
Do not miss the ancient church of the Disciplini, with the external frescoes of the Dance of Death. Inside the imposing Basilica we can admire artworks by artists such as Tiepolo.
At the end of the tour, you can walk through the old town, among the artisan shops and old-time boutiques. It is possible to visit the Church of Paradise, an example of the first Christian churches, or the medieval devotional frescoes of San Defendente.
At the end, lunch in a restaurant with selected menu: appetizer, first course, a second course with side dish, dessert, coffee, water and wine.
The journey continues to the Borgo di Gromo, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, with a guided tour of the small and fascinating old town. Entrance and visit to the Museum of White Weapons and Ancient Parchments and stop at the ancient parish church of S. Giacomo and Vincenzo, just outside the town, that has seen various additions of styles inside, but with a very special charm.
After this latest stop, departure for the return journey with a possible stop in Ardesio where it is possible to visit freely the ancient Sanctuary of the Madonna and the curious museum of the Grazie Ricevute.
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